White Point


The latest-trending colours in Clay Brick…

In response to industry demand for a contemporary and sophisticated brick, we introduced the Atlantic lineups in the last few years. 

The Atlantic Collection from Shaw Brick is the embodiment of the latest clay brick colour trends, which are black bricks, all shades of grey, white and even deep reds. These clean, cool shades top the trends of all home price ranges – primarily whites with white mortar and all grays from light steel to charcoal.

The Atlantic Collection features the same lightly-textured finish of the Tapestry Collection that lends a refined character and allows the colours to show their best.

Brick, made in Atlantic Canada

And, remember, Shaw Brick is made in Atlantic Canada, so buying our Shaw bricks supports the Canadian economy and our brothers and sisters in Canadian construction!

Available in

Brick Sizes

Length mm (in)

Width mm (in)

Height mm (in)

Metric Modular

190 (7.48)

90 (3.54)

57 (2.25)


190 (7.48)

10 (0.4)

57 (2.25)

Max 57

257 (10.12)

90 (3.54)

57 (2.25)


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